Even More Information Available on JOVACO’s Website
JOVACO’s website has been improved again! We’ve updated our website, this time with the redesign of our Industries section. There you will find more details on the different industries that can benefit from JOVACO’s solutions and learn more about how they can help you meet your daily challenges.
Moreover, we’ve also added the Resources section (which groups together the sections previously known as Articles and Library), offering a wide range of information regarding our products and solutions. It contains the following subsections:
- Blog: Here you will find a variety of articles on different topics, from the digital transformation of businesses to tips and tricks for the use of your business management solutions.
- Videos: View presentations and tutorials for JOVACO’s and Microsoft’s various products in this section.
- White papers: This section includes white papers and e-books that JOVACO has created or contributed to. You will find a ton of information regarding the optimization of your ERP and CRM systems, case studies, and guides to facilitate the selection of a new business management solution, to name only a few examples.
- External publications: JOVACO contributes articles to two partner websites, namely ERP Software Blog and CRM Software Blog. This section offers a feed of our various contributions, allowing you to quickly access the articles written by JOVACO.
We hope that these changes will make the navigation of our website more pleasant and intuitive, and help you find the information that you’re looking for. Contact us if you need more information or want a personalized demonstration.