White paper / Project Accounting
A 100 person accounting firm was on the search for an ERP solution three years ago. Their vision was to have a solution that would help automate as much of their business processes as possible so that they would be able to reduce the time required throughout their entire billing cycle.
Most businesses get started with basic accounting software, then move on to more sophisticated business systems as they grow. What happens when they keep an entry or legacy system just a little too long? Read the stories of 15 real companies and see what inspired these companies to take the next step.
Are all of your different customer invoicing needs and requirements keeping you up at night? Do you have to stay late to manually adjust your invoices or entries? Find out how having a project accounting module fully integrated to Microsoft Dynamics GP can help you improve your invoicing process.
Project follow up and ensuring that your resources are utilized more effectively has become an important subject for all types of organizations. It can become very complicated when everyone has their own personal way of managing and then interpreting the information.
When your organization is looking at an employee’s profitability, should you also be considering their productivity? By looking at just one metric or the other, can your organization accurately calculate per person profitability and fully evaluate if your employees are performing to their full potential?
JOVACO Solutions has partnered with several ISVs in the Microsoft Dynamics GP community to bring you GP Optimizer magazine.
This white paper highlights 25 ways real companies are using their Microsoft Dynamics ERP system to outsmart and outpace their competition. Supporting new sales channels, analyzing operations and results, automating compliance are just a few examples of the ways that these organizations win big.

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